Mission Statement
To stimulate curiosity and attitude of learning and create life long learners.

Dr Ninad Sheode is the founder director of Learners' Academy (LearnAc) . He and Mrs. Anuja Sheode founded LearnAc in 2012 out of their passion to teach. eLearnAc is an online coaching initiative of LearnAc to cater to in the increasing demand for quality teaching.
Ninad holds two masters degrees – M. Sc. (Physics) and M. Tech. (Atmospheric Physics) of University of Pune, India. He has also completed his Ph. D. (Atmospheric Physics) with magna cum laude from University of Bremen, Germany and was a Post Doctoral Research Fellow at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. He has many PUBLICATIONS in international peer reviewed science journals and conference contributions. He has more than a decade of national and international teaching experience.
Ninad is a popular teacher and his students are placed in various parts of the world.
Ninad trains the students of XI and XII in Physics, JEE (Main) and NEET (UG) at LearnAc.

University of Pune, India
Ms Anuja Sheode is the founder director of Learners' Academy (LearnAc) . She and Dr.Ninad Sheode founded LearnAc out of their passion to teach. eLearnAc is an online coaching initiative of LearnAc to cater to in the increasing demand for quality teaching.
Anuja has completed her B. A. and M. A. in German as foreign language from University of Pune. She has a more than a decade of experience in teaching German to school and college students and corporate training. Anuja also teaches at Department of Foreign Languages (popularly known as Ranade Institute), University of Pune.
Her students are spread all over the world and the very fact that they are in touch with her even today is testimony to her being a good teacher.
Anuja teaches German as foreign language to the students of classes VIII, IX, X, XI and XII at LearnAc.